
Obituaries » Marcus London

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Obituary Viewed 1649 times

Burial Date August 13, 2021

Celebration of Life Services will be held on Friday, August 13, 2021 from

Greater Abyssinian Baptist Church 88 Lyons Avenue, Newark NJ


Viewing will be from 12:00pm to 1:00pm; service to follow.


Zoom will begin at 12:00pm

Meeting ID: 213 765 0739

Password: west


Disposition Private

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To the family and friends of Marcus "Mars" London, please know how incredibly sorry I am to learn of Marcus' passing. I am devastated to be so significantly late in finding out and being able to send these condolences. When he shared his diagnosis with me, I cried and prayed so hard. It felt like such an unfair battle for someone so incredibly gifted and kind as Marcus. God, always, has His reasons, but I will surely miss Marcus for eternity. Marcus and I met many, many years ago (2008) and quickly became close friends. He was a fellow poet and we collaborated on a Valentine's Day poem together. Immediately I knew Marcus was different - he was genuine, kind, intelligent, had such a brilliant mind, creative, and overall a bright light very much needed in the world. Marcus and I kept in touch through social media mostly, and text messaging as well. We had very thoughtful, deep, and spiritual conversations about the world and life. I knew I could always count on him to be such an uplifting presence, and I knew he could count on me to be the same. We had such a special bond - always knowing when to connect, even when life was chaotic and we were both very busy. It was always perfect timing, and soon it began to be an inside joke between us about being connected spiritually. When it had come to be some time since I heard from him, I began to worry. Something didn't feel right. I had taken a long hiatus from social media and reactivated IG recently only to discover Marcus had passed. I was devastated, and distraught because I didn't want that to be true. Connecting with some of his other friends, I learned that it was peacefully at home that he gained his wings, and I am grateful for that, for no more suffering, no more enduring, and that he was ushered into the kingdom of Heaven for eternity, pain-free. That is the only thing that brings me comfort in his passing, and I wanted to extend my sincerest condolences to all who knew and loved Marcus. He truly was one of a kind. His friendship was a gift, an extension of his warm and kind spirit, and I will forever feel grateful for being able to call him a friend in this lifetime. I love you, Marcus. I will forever miss you. Until we meet again. ~ Aleigha

Posted by Aleigha on September 19, 2022